Are you Mean Green Ready? Emergency situations can pose a great risk to an individual's personal safety. Individuals should always remain prepared to deal with the possible hazards associated with the occurrence of an emergency or disaster. This page will provide resources and information about how you can be prepared for combating the effects of an emergency or disaster. 

One of the most important things you can do to be prepared for an emergency is to create an emergency plan for yourself and your loved ones. Making a plan ensures you know how you will communicate with friends and family during a disaster and gives you an opportunity to think through where you would go or do in the event of an emergency. There are countless tools available that can help you create one.
My UNT Emergency Plan

The My UNT Emergency Plan is a template emergency plan created for UNT students. The plan, available as a fillable and/or printable PDF online, provides a place for students to record their personal information and critical information for each building they have a class in, such as:

  • The locations of the nearest Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
  • The locations of the nearest shelter areas
  • The buildings' evacuation assembly areas

This information can be located on the emergency floor plans available on this website or on the Mean Green Ready app! The Mean Green Ready app is a mobile application developed and maintained by Emergency Management & Safety Services and is available for free on the App Store and Google Play Store.

Download the plan, fill it out, and print it off to keep with you; make a second copy to share with your loved ones. You may also print a blank version that can be filled out by hand. It will serve as an excellent quick reference for when the unthinkable arises. 


The KnoWhat2Do Program is an educational program that works to educate North Central Texas residents on what to do to prepare their homes and communities for all hazards. This website is full of information and resources to help you be prepared for disaster! One of the tools on this site is the “Make a Plan” resource, which guides you through the process of creating your own emergency plan. At the end of the process, you will be provided with a completed emergency plan you can either print or have emailed to yourself. Learn more.

Ready is a national public service campaign designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for, respond to, and mitigate emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to promote preparedness through public involvement. has a page dedicated to providing resources for you to create your own emergency plan. Find more information here.