We care about the health, safety, and well-being of our UNT community!

Protecting the health and safety of everyone at UNT is a priority. Our UNT community can trust that our team is driven to provide the safest campus possible as we continuously review and update our safety programs.

We have a beautiful campus with many historic buildings which can bring us challenges at times, including, but not limited to:

  • The possibility of asbestos in some building materials
  • Occasional indoor air quality issues due to high humidity, reduced air flow, or our North Texas summer heat
  • Need for work or repairs in confined spaces
  • Need for the use of equipment and/or machinery to perform repairs or maintenance work in elevated areas of our buildings

Our Occupational Safety Program is in place to protect our UNT community members from potential exposure to chemicals, irritants, and high risk activities that might cause harm. If you are planning on disturbing building material from putting a nail into a wall to major remodeling of any building space, or work in confined spaces, please read through our three (3) sections of information below: Asbestos Program, Indoor Air Quality, and Permitting, as some of the safety procedures and permits information may apply to your work plans.

*If there is construction or work being done in a building where you are at on campus, a Facilities work control service ticket can be submitted to help alert their team and ours to any issues so that we can inspect and work together to help you.

The mission of the Asbestos Program is to protect the UNT community and their physical and environmental health from asbestos exposure.  Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral found in many buildings and building materials on campus and does not pose a health risk when it is intact. 

Please fill out a request for inspection if someone in your area needs to cut, sand, grind, abrade or otherwise disturb any building materials, hang pictures, secure furniture or work in the space above the ceiling tiles. Risk Management Services will work with Facilities to ensure any surfaces that may contain asbestos material will only be disturbed by trained personnel. 

Submit a new Asbestos Request for Inspection

How do I know if I need to request an asbestos inspection?

If you are disturbing any material in a campus building that may contain asbestos, you must request an asbestos inspection at least 3 weeks prior to the start of work. This includes any renovation or demolition of the following materials:

  • Wallboard/Sheetrock
  • Joint Compound
  • Ceiling Tiles
  • Thermal System Insulation (TSI) - pipes, pipe fittings, insulation wraps, etc.
  • Spray-on Soundproofing
  • Spray-on Fireproofing
  • Spray-on Insulation
  • Carpet and/or Carpet Mastic
  • Floor Tile and/or Floor Tile Mastic
  • Caulk, Sealant, Waterproofing, etc.
  • Ductwork and/or Ductwork Mastic
  • Cooler/Cold Room Insulation
  • Fume Hood Panels
  • Laboratory Benchtops
  • Any building material not composed entirely of wood, metal, concrete, glass, or plastic