The Youth Protection Program facilitates and guide the University's efforts to provide a safe environment for our youth visitors. We are the primary point-of-contact for maintaining best practices to cultivate safe environments for the protection of youth participants on campus. YPP is under the Division of Finance and Administration overseen by Risk Management and is responsible for monitoring 04.025 Youth Protection Program policy implementation and compliance across all colleges and divisions of the University. We work to ensure programming needs are met while fulfilling the University's legal obligation to provide a safe campus environment. This handbook provides information on procedures and guidelines for program directors and/or managers as they work through the planning of programs, camps, activities and other events on and off campus.

**This handbook is considered a living document and is subject to change as we continue to improve this as a resource for youth programs' personnel. The most current version of our handbook will always be available on our website.

Table of Contents

Requirements for Programs Involving Youth

It is the responsibility of the Youth Protection Program to ensure UNT managed, sponsored and 3rd party programs on UNT campus are maintaining compliance with the following:

Program Manager Responsibilities

Program managers for any activities involving non-UNT student youth are responsible for providing oversight and full administration of the program which include, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Register the program and activities in advance by submitting the Youth Program | Activity Registration Form.
  2. Ensure that any program/activity concerns and issues have been resolved with the assistance of YPP personnel, as appropriate, prior to program start date.
  3. Certify that all program personnel are equipped and prepared to work with youth by:
    • Working with YPP to ensure all criminal background checks are completed on all program personnel prior to the program start date;
    • Working with YPP to ensure that program personnel, including third parties, complete required sexual abuse and child molestation awareness training prior to the program start date;
  1. Ensure all UNT employees adhere to the highest ethical standards and principles as outlined by UNT 05.015 Ethics policy;
  2. Ensure that all non-UNT employees, including UNT students, adhere to code of conduct as outline in the Standards of Behavior Agreement.
  3. Adhere to all reporting obligations.
Third - Party Programs

Third-party programs including community organization, LLCs, etc., must meet the same requirements as UNT sponsored programs and must submit the following information prior to the program start date:

  1. Organizations, LLCs, and other third-party entities must validate completion of background checks and training;
  2. UNT does not obligate third-parties to complete the background checks and training through UNT YPP. However, they are required to certify that all background checks, and approved training have been completed and program personnel have been cleared to work with youth;
  3. General liability insurance with UNT named as additionally insured;
  4. Facilities Use Agreements indicating the specific location for their event must be approved in advance;
  5. Program must be registered with YPP by submitting the online Youth Program | Activity Registration form.
Recommended Timeline for Programs


  1. Review 04.025 Youth Protection Program policy.
  2. Review 04.010 Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect policy.
  3. Review the Youth Program Handbook (all of the information in these drop down menus).
  4. Register program by completing the Youth Program | Activity Registration form.
  5. Submit Background Check | Training Request for Youth Programs form and include the anticipated list of program personnel to ensure background checks and sexual abuse and  child molestation awareness training needs are identified and completed in advance.


  1. YPP will provide program managers information on background check and training needs based on program personnel roster submitted.
  2. YPP will begin background check reviews and communicate outcome to program manager. Individuals not meeting UNT background checks guidelines will not be allowed to participate in any youth programming.
  3. YPP will provide program managers ongoing updates on individuals completing the Sexual Abuse and Child Molestation Awareness training.


  1. Program manager must conduct ongoing follow up with their youth program/camp personnel who have not completing any of the UNT requirements
  2. Program manager must confirm medical insurance coverage verification has been received from all participants or purchase insurance for their program.
  3. Program managers must conduct a training session or orientation to all youth program personnel prior to the program start date to review and communicate information about their roles, responsibilities, code of conduct, etc.
  4. Any non-UNT employees must receive a copy of and adhere to the conduct expectations as outlined in the Standards of Behavior Agreement
  5. Program personnel must have been cleared to work with youth by the background checks and completion of the Sexual Abuse and Molestation Awareness training prior to the start date.


  1. Submit Youth Program Verification form.
  2. YPP Staff completes State Reporting form as applicable (20 participants and 4 or more consecutive days).
Program Registration

Colleges, departments, organizations and other third-parties are required to register all youth programming offered, sponsored and/or hosted at UNT by completing the Youth Program | Activity Registration Form.  YPP is responsible for contacting program managers when information is received to inquire about any additional details needed to help identify if any institutional requirements apply to their programs/activities.

Fees for Services
YPP Service UNT Programs Third Party Programs


Background checks



$24.00 + tax

Sexual abuse and molestation awareness training No fee $6.00




Annual Background Checks

Annual background checks are required for all members engaging in direct-contact with youth as part of any program involving youth. The Youth Protection Program facilitates the process for completing criminal background checks and timely review of all results to ensure all members are cleared prior to program start date.

Background check requests should be sent to YPP by submitting the online Background Check | Training Request for Youth Programs form. Please refer to Standards for Programs involving Youth section of our website.

NOTE: These must be requested in advance to ensure timely reporting on all results.

Our background check provider performs the search based on information submitted by each individual. YPP personnel is responsible for obtaining adverse reports and coordinating resolution efforts, as appropriate. If an adverse result is not resolved, program personnel should be dismissed from the youth program, such action must be confirmed by program manager.

The following are exceptions that prohibit the prospective personnel member from participation in the program:
  • Offenses Against the Person (Title 5),
  • Offenses Against the Family (Title 6),
  • Robbery (Chapter 29 of Title 7),
  • Public Indecency (Chapter 43) or Stalking (§42.072 of Title 9),
  • Criminal Solicitation of a Youth (Chapter 15.031 of Title 4),
  • Failure to Stop or Report Aggravated Sexual Assault of Child (Chapter 38.17 of Title 8), or
  • Any like offense under the law of the state of Texas, another state or under federal law.

Other adverse results not listed above could prohibit program personnel from working with a program. Adverse results such as a misdemeanor or felony within the past ten (10) years may disqualify participation with the program

The following are examples that may preclude prospective personnel:

  • Making a Firearm Accessible to a Child (Chapter 46.13),
  • Intoxication and Alcoholic Beverage Offenses (Chapter 49 of Title 10 of the Texas Penal Code),
  • Any like offense under the law of another state or under federal law,
  • Any other felony under the Texas Penal Code or any like offense under the law of another state or under federal law.

Program personnel are given a reasonable time, generally not less than five (5) business days to provide documentation or information establishing that the report is inaccurate.

Sexual Abuse and Child Molestation Awareness Training

The State of Texas (Senate Bill (SB) 1414, amended Texas Education Code, Section 51.976) requires all personnel in a position involving contact with youth at a campus program for youth to successfully complete an approved training and examination program on sexual abuse and molestation awareness. This training must be completed every 24 months.

Managers are responsible for working with YPP staff to ensure that all program personnel have successfully completed the training course by achieving a score of 70% or higher on the course examination. It is recommended that each individual saves a copy of their Certificate of Completion.

Youth programs with 20 or more participants and lasting 4 consecutive days (or more) must submit compliance verification that each employee met State of Texas training requirement. YPP staff will coordinate and submit the program verification form to the State within the allotted time.

NOTE: The State of Texas does not maintain a report of this training and UNT cannot verify the validity of this training if presented with a certification from another institution; as such, the personnel member must complete their training through UNT. Additionally, UNT policy has been incorporated into this training for review and sign-off.

YPP oversees training compliance based on 04.025 Youth Protection Program UNT policy by:

  1. Ensuring all required participants take the training before a youth program begins.
  2. Working with program managers to complete the state notification form.
  3. Ensuring that notification is received by the State of Texas for programs of 20 or more participants lasting 4 days.

Training requests should be sent to YPP by submitting the online Background Check | Training Request for Youth Programs form. Please refer to Standards for Programs involving Youth section on the Youth Protection Program website: / for more details on requesting sexual abuse and molestation awareness training.

Facilities Usage Agreement

The University of North Texas requires a Facilities Usage Agreement for all third-party youth programs. The Facilities Use Agreement must be completed in advance for the specific building(s) identified for the program. This will outline all requirements the third-party must abide by to hold their event on UNT property. The agreement must be signed by the program manager and applicable UNT representative. A copy of the facilities agreement must be received by YPP or your campus event coordinating representative 30 - 40 days prior to the program start date.

Program Insurance

Program Accidental Medical   - all program managers must confirm that all youth participants have medical insurance. Medical insurance is required on an excess basis to include coverage for program participants. If documentation to support medical coverage cannot be validated for all participants, the program manager must purchase accidental medical insurance for the group.

  • Insurance can be purchased through UNT Insurance and Claims team under Risk Management. YPP helps coordinate the purchase of accidental medical insurance coverage for programs when the need is identified.
  • A Youth Program Insurance Request must be submitted for all insurance requests.
  • Medical insurance benefit: $25,000 medical expense.
  • Insurance costs are subject to change from year to year. Programs should contact the Risk Management Insurance and Claims team at 940-565-2109 for information on current fees.

Commercial General Liability - The University of North Texas requires additional insurance for all third-party youth programs:

  • Third-party programs are required to provide waiver and verification of General Liability coverage, with UNT named as additionally insured.
  • Coverage amount should equal 1,000,000.00 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate.
  • No exclusions for Sexual Abuse or Molestation.
  • Certificate of Liability should be emailed to for verification prior to the program start date.

Auto Liability

  • $1,000,000 per accident with combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage.
  • Include hired and non-owned

A Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the University of North Texas System will need to be issued for commercial general liability, workers' compensation and automobile liability.

The University of North Texas System, its' Board of Regents, University of North Texas, its officers, employees, agents, and representatives shall be named as additional insured on the Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability policies.

Participant Waivers

Program managers are required to certify that parents or legal guardians have submitted a signed release waiver for all program participants. Depending on the program, additional forms may apply:

  • Medical Information Form: Program manager must ensure that each youth participant and his/her parent/legal guardian provides medical information and authorization for medical care. The form requests basic medical history information and authorizes UNT to obtain medical treatment for the participant when necessary.
  • Photo Release Form: Program manager must ensure is completed by parent/legal guardian prior to the program start date. Form grants permission to the university to photograph their child and publish thier photo for either printed or electronic material. No photos can be taken of any youth if a signed photo release form has not been received from the parent/legal guardian.
Participant-Staff Supervision Ratio

Programs must ensure adequate supervision based on the number and average age of participants, program activities, duration of the program and any accommodations that may apply. Programs must submit a proposed breakdown of participant-staff ratio to

All overnight programs must specify curfews, rules pertaining to any visitors, and limitations of use of free time.
UNT approved ratio guidelines:

Participant Age

Number of Personnel

Overnight Participants

Day Only Participants

4-5 years




6-8 years




9-14 years




15-18 years




  • If the program is not able to meet the participant-personnel ratio, the program manager must contact Youth Protection Program Director to further discuss any available options.
  • Resolutions on exception requests will be approved/denied based on the program's ability to demonstrate the implementation of measures that will ensure safety and adequate supervision during the duration of all scheduled and unscheduled activities.
  • Youth Protection Program Director should be contacted when programs/activities involve classroom and one-on-one settings as different participant-personnel ratio and procedures apply.
Operational Requirements

A program manager must be identified by all programs/activities involving youth. Managers should review all relevant policies and procedures, including but not limited to:

Program managers are responsible for planning the care, supervision and schedule of activities for youth participants. In addition, managers must provide orientation training to all program personnel and volunteers to ensure guidelines and procedures are reviewed with all members. Orientation should cover, at a minimum, the following items:

Overnight Programs

Program manager and UNT sponsor, when applicable, are responsible for making appropriate dorms/rooms arrangements directly with UNT Housing Department. These must be made in advance. Program manager must review and comply with all Housing policies and guidelines, these can be found in the Housing Handbook website at:

Program manager should outline procedures to address overnight needs including supervision, curfew, quiet hours, overnight guests, overnight absences, appropriate behavior, access to emergency contact information, and emergency response.

Any participant or program personnel member whose actions are found to be detrimental to the welfare of others, campus facilities, or rules/regulations/policies of the Department of Housing, Department of Dining Services, or The University of North Texas may be asked to leave the campus and may also be subject to University actions.

Standards of Behavior

Every program/activity for youth is expected to provide a safe environment for participants while promoting positive youth development as they engage in educational, recreational, and experiential activities on our campus. All program personnel are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner and adhere to the following:

  • Treat all participants equitably without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law, and in compliance with UNT policy 16.004, Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation.
  • Ensure the safety of each participant.
  • Follow the direction and guidelines provide by the program manager at all times.
  • Serve as a positive role model for participants.
  • All interactions with youth must be part of the predetermined program schedule and activities.
  • Do not meet with youth outside of established times or locations for program activities.
  • Do not provide gifts to youth or their families independent of any items provided by the program.
  • Do not engage in sexual or romantic contact of any kind, including physical, verbal, or electronic contact that can be perceived as sexual in nature, with youth.
  • Refrain from sharing sensitive personal information about yourself.
  • Limit physical contact with youth to purposes that are consistent with the program/activity's approved purpose and activities and that is for a clear educational, recreational, or experiential purpose, in the presence of other program personnel, and with the consent of the youth.
  • Anyone who knows, suspects, or receives information indicating that a child or teen has been abused or neglected, or who has other concerns about the safety of children or teens MUST inform the program manager, YPP Director and follow UNT 04.010 Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect policy.
  • Do not engage in any abusive conduct of any kind toward, or in the presence of, a youth, including, but not limited to, verbal abuse, striking, hitting, punching, poking, spanking, or restraining.
  • UNT is a tobacco-free campus and policy 04.011 Smoke and Tobacco-Free Workplace and Campus must be followed.
  • Possession or use of any type of handguns must comply with UNT 04.001 Carrying of Concealed Handguns on Campus policy.
  • Do not possess, sell, use, be under the influence of, or provide alcohol, tobacco, or illegal substances to youth.
  • Do not provide medication to youth unless authorized by the program's medication management guidelines.
  • Disclose any preexisting relationships with youth in the program/activity immediately to the program manager and YPP Director.
  • If program personnel witness a violation of any of these rules, that person is expected to report the violation immediately. Incident must be reported to the program manager and YPP Director so that further action can be initiated if necessary.

Program manager is recommended to conduct training and orientation for all personnel on their operating procedures, expectations, standards of behavior and responsibilities prior to the program start date. Program manager must verify that all program personnel are aware and have received a copy of the Standards of Behavior Agreement.

Program Procedures and Policy Exceptions

Exceptions to the program policy and procedures must be discussed and approved by the Youth Protection Program Director.

Violations and Complaints Reporting

Any complaints and violations to the requirements outlined in this handbook should be reported to the Director of the Youth Protection Program at:

The following are examples of situations that may need to be elevated to the Executive Director for Risk Management Services, the VP & Chief Integrity Officer. Please note the following examples are not all-inclusive and other situations may be identified that will necessitate evaluation and internal/external communication.

  • Improper behavior by youth program personnel.
  • Improper behavior by youth program participant.
  • Injuries to personnel or participants during a program.
  • Continuous finding of program personnel working that have not been cleared via completed background check.
  • Continuous finding of personnel working that have not taken the Sexual Abuse and Molestation Awareness training.
On - Site Programs Review Procedures

UNT Youth Protection Program is responsible for monitoring compliance of UNT sponsored programs and third-party programs with UNT Policy 04.025 Youth Protection Program and Texas Senate Bill 1414, Sexual Abuse and Molestation Awareness Training.

The Youth Protection Program may conduct site-visits throughout the year to ensure safety precautions and practices are in place and an ongoing part of programs and activities involving youth on our campus.

For questions on site-visits, please contact Director of Youth Protection Program at or (940) 565-2813.
  1. Direct Contact - means, but is not limited to:
      1. Care, custody, and/control of the non-student youth;
      2. Frequent or sustained contact; or,
      3. Interactions with the intent to develop a mentoring/educational relationship.
  2. Minor - individual under the age of 18. This definition does not include UNT enrolled students under the age of 18.
  3. Youth - individual under the age of 18. This definition does not include UNT enrolled students under the age of 18.
  4. Youth Program - “Youth Program” means any event, operation, or venture held on University owned or controlled property or sponsored by the University intended to offer athletic, educational, recreational, or any other activity to youth during which parents or guardians are not expected to be responsible for the care, custody, or control of the youth. This includes, but is not limited to, athletics camps, educational camps, overnight camps, day camps, instructional programs, internships, workshops, community service programs, and outreach programs.
  5. Youth Program Manager - means the University or third-party employee who is responsible for supervising or operating a youth program.
  6. Program Personnel - “Youth Program Personnel” means faculty, employees, graduate students, student employees, students, interns, or volunteers who have direct contact with youth for the specific purpose of managing or providing oversight of a youth program.
  7. Third Party - a person, group, or organization not an employee, student, or unit of UNT.

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