These emergency guidelines contain information that can be used to help lessen the impact of an emergency or disaster on an individual. These guidelines are intended to be one of many tools an individual would utilize to prepare for and respond to an emergency situation.

Contact if you have questions or concerns about any of these guidelines.


A graphic of two phones, each with a screenshot of the Mean Green Ready appWant this information (and more) on the go? Download the Mean Green Ready app! This free app is available for download on both the App Store and Google Play Store. In addition to the emergency guidelines provided above, the Mean Green Ready app contains a wealth of information including emergency floor plans for campus buildings, Automated External Defibrillator (AED) locations and more!

Other Preparedness Resources

The following documents contain valuable information that can help you to be prepared for any emergency or disaster while on campus. Like the guidelines above, these documents are only intended to be one of many tools an individual would utilize to prepare for an emergency situation.