Employee's Responsibility
- When an incident occurs, the employee must report all injuries or illnesses to his/her supervisor immediately.
PI or Laboratory Supervisor's Responsibility
- Call RMS at 940-565-2109 to report the injury or illness.
- Reporting of incidents to RMS should be clear and concise, including the following information:
- Nature of the incident
- Hazardous material involved
- Nature of any injuries
- Location
- Name of the caller
- Phone number where caller can be reached
- Within 24 hours, complete the incident report
- Take prompt action to correct any safety hazards
Students must report incidents, injuries, and illnesses that occur in laboratories to the appropriately responsible person (i.e., Teaching Assistant, Lab Supervisor, and PI). The responsible person should report the incident to RMS.
- Introduction and Purpose
- Employee Information and Training
- Safe Chemical Use
- Globally Harmonized System (GHS)
- National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) Diamond
- Safety Data Sheets
- Minimize Exposure to Chemicals
- Routes of Chemical Entry
- Chemical Exposure Limits
- Chemical Exposure Monitoring
- Toxicity
- Chemical Labeling
- General Storage Guidelines
- Transportation of Chemicals
- Chemical Segregation
- Chemical Hazards
- Particularly Hazardous Substances
- Control Measures
- Physical Hazards
- Emergencies and Exposures
- Other Hazards
- Hazardous Chemical Waste Disposal
- Record Keeping
- Appendix A: Globe Selection
- Appendix B: Chemical Segregation
- Appendix C: Particularly Hazardous Substances
- Appendix D: Information on Chemical Exposures from Health Hazards
- Appendix E: Standard Operating Procedures Guide
- Appendix F: Safe Use of Pyrophoric Reagents
- Appendix G: Information on Controlled Substances
- Appendix H: Risk Assessment Guide
- Appendix I: Laboratory Emergency Readiness Guide
- Appendix J: Inspection Guide
- Appendix K: Chemical Inventory Guide
- Appendix L: Lab Equipment Guide
- Appendix M: Laboratory Management Guide
- Appendix N: Reproductive Health
- Chemical Hygiene Resources and References
- Glossary